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Make Focus Your Superpower – Kevin Brown

A young man came up to me after a speech and said, “may I ask you a question? I’m curious – who motivates the motivator?” Then he added this. “I mean, how do you get yourself to focus on what really matters?” Great question.

Avoiding a Customer-Hostile Ending Memory – Chip Bell

Much is written about understanding a customer’s journey through an organization’s service processes. Organizations train for a friendly customer greeting and effective hosting. They scrutinize associate handoffs and communications.

Small Business Tech News This Week – Gene Marks

Amazon announced this past week that it will start making drone deliveries later this year in California. The service will deliver thousands of various items directly to Amazon customers’ backyards who will then provide feedback about the Prime Air service.

Travel Tips. Common Travel Challenges Made Easier – Marilyn Tam

Bundled up in warm parkas, scarves, and hats to fend off the blustery, winter ocean storm, we watched as mother slid into the just filled, sloshing swimming pool aboard the cruise ship. This was the first reliable travel tip I learned — in case of seasickness, swim.