844-337-7325 [email protected]
Customer Experience Futurist & Author

More than $40,000

Keynote fee falls within this range. For exact fee, please contact us.


Request Availability for Blake Morgan

"Blake really brought this topic to life with a compelling and entertaining presentation for my leadership team spurring some great team thinking and discussions."

Chief People Officer

"Blake delivered an impactful speech and left our leadership team with inspiring ideas we could apply to our own manufacturing business."

VP Supply Chain

"Blake has a unique ability to take a complex topic such as how technology is re-shaping the customer experience and break it down for audiences to easily understand and implement."


"Blake’s belief that companies should use empathy to make customer-centricity a key tenet of their business strategy hits the larger industry issue of poor customer service on the head."

President & CEO

Making customers feel great IS an important business strategy and companies still struggle to do this well. It is no longer simply nice to have, the only way to differentiate a business today is to compete on experience. Blake Morgan believes in the power of technology to help you do that.

Blake is a keynote speaker, customer experience futurist and author of two books on customer experience. Her bestselling second book is called The Customer Of The Future: 10 Guiding Principles For Winning Tomorrow’s Business (HarperCollins), identified by Business Insider as one of the top 20 books executives are reading to deal with COVID-19. In 2021 the book won a top 5 spot on Book Authority’s list of the “Top 100 Future Of Technology Books of All-Time.”

In her latest book, The 8 Laws of Customer-Focused Leadership: New Rules for Building A Business Around Today’s Customer, Blake has pulled together eight new laws that the best companies follow in terms of building and maintaining a focus on the customer. Customer experience is a decision leaders must make every day, and this book shows you how to create a customer experience mindset.

Blake is a guest lecturer at Columbia University, the University of California, San Diego as well as adjunct faculty at the Rutgers executive education MBA program. She contributes to Forbes, the Harvard Business Review and Hemispheres Magazine and was called one of the top 40 female keynote speakers by Real Leaders Magazine. She is the host of The Modern Customer Podcast and lives in the Los Angeles Area with her husband, their two children and two dogs.


4 Ways to Make a Customer Experience a Decision

The customer of the future is here. Is your company ready? The last few years have caused consumers to re-evaluate their personal purpose and what they value in life. With changed priorities, many customers are changing brands and thinking differently about their relationships with brands. Customer experience is a decision everyone in your company needs to make every day. When you invest in making your customers’ lives easier and better, you set your company up for long-term success and loyalty.

But how do you create this customer-centric mindset to succeed? In this speech, CX expert and best-selling author Blake Morgan walks you through her WAYS framework. Blake shares real-world examples and action items for each step in the framework. No matter where you are in the customer experience journey, this speech will help you move forward to connect with modern customers and set yourself apart from the competition.

Creating a CX mindset requires looking beyond what’s right in front of you and focusing on how you make customers feel. Blake’s framework and action items make it possible for every company to become a customer-centric success.

Request Availability for Blake Morgan

Customer Experience Futurist & Author


More than $40,000

Keynote fee falls within this range. For exact fee, please contact us.
"Blake really brought this topic to life with a compelling and entertaining presentation for my leadership team spurring some great team thinking and discussions."
Chief People Officer


"Blake delivered an impactful speech and left our leadership team with inspiring ideas we could apply to our own manufacturing business."
VP Supply Chain


"Blake has a unique ability to take a complex topic such as how technology is re-shaping the customer experience and break it down for audiences to easily understand and implement."

Independent Insurance Agents of Wisconsin

"Blake’s belief that companies should use empathy to make customer-centricity a key tenet of their business strategy hits the larger industry issue of poor customer service on the head."
President & CEO

Somos, Inc.


Making customers feel great IS an important business strategy and companies still struggle to do this well. It is no longer simply nice to have, the only way to differentiate a business today is to compete on experience. Blake Morgan believes in the power of technology to help you do that.

Blake is a keynote speaker, customer experience futurist and author of two books on customer experience. Her bestselling second book is called The Customer Of The Future: 10 Guiding Principles For Winning Tomorrow’s Business (HarperCollins), identified by Business Insider as one of the top 20 books executives are reading to deal with COVID-19. In 2021 the book won a top 5 spot on Book Authority’s list of the “Top 100 Future Of Technology Books of All-Time.”

In her latest book, The 8 Laws of Customer-Focused Leadership: New Rules for Building A Business Around Today’s Customer, Blake has pulled together eight new laws that the best companies follow in terms of building and maintaining a focus on the customer. Customer experience is a decision leaders must make every day, and this book shows you how to create a customer experience mindset.

Read More

Blake is a guest lecturer at Columbia University, the University of California, San Diego as well as adjunct faculty at the Rutgers executive education MBA program. She contributes to Forbes, the Harvard Business Review and Hemispheres Magazine and was called one of the top 40 female keynote speakers by Real Leaders Magazine. She is the host of The Modern Customer Podcast and lives in the Los Angeles Area with her husband, their two children and two dogs.

4 Ways to Make a Customer Experience a Decision
The customer of the future is here. Is your company ready? The last few years have caused consumers to re-evaluate their personal purpose and what they value in life. With changed priorities, many customers are changing brands and thinking differently about their relationships with brands. Customer experience is a decision everyone in your company needs to make every day. When you invest in making your customers’ lives easier and better, you set your company up for long-term success and loyalty. But how do you create this customer-centric mindset to succeed? In this speech, CX expert and best-selling author Blake Morgan walks you through her WAYS framework. Blake shares real-world examples and action items for each step in the framework. No matter where you are in the customer experience journey, this speech will help you move forward to connect with modern customers and set yourself apart from the competition. Creating a CX mindset requires looking beyond what’s right in front of you and focusing on how you make customers feel. Blake’s framework and action items make it possible for every company to become a customer-centric success.

Request Availability for Blake Morgan