$20,001 - $30,000
Keynote fee falls within this range. For exact fee, please contact us.
Request Availability for Bruce Turkel
Bruce is a sought-after speaker on the subjects of branding, creativity, innovation, and leadership. An accomplished passionate presenter, he gladly shares easy-to-follow, proven steps for building brand value with his audiences.
Bruce has an overarching theme for his talks: it’s “all about them.” Bruce instructs your audience members to focus on their customers, not their products or services, helping them open their minds and discover their creativity. Drawing from his 30-plus years of ad agency experience, Bruce helps your audiences understand how to make their brands attractive to their customers, as well as how innovation can differentiate them from their competitors.
Bruce is captivating and insightful on stage. His unique presentations combine engaging wit, creative insights, thought-provoking ideas and smoking hot notes on his harmonica.
Satisfied audiences from Bruce’s talks at MIT, Harvard, CHRIS and TEDx, and attendees at hundreds of corporate and industry events all agree that Bruce’s message, entertainment value, and inspiration stick around long after the session is over. That’s when your participants go back to work and think… differently.
Bruce was recently listed within the World’s Top 30 Brand Professionals for 2021 by Global Gurus.
A Creative Look at How Your Organization Can Use Creativity
The most creative works in human history – every piece of music, every painting, every novel – were all created with the very same tools, notes, colors, and words that we all have access to every single day. Maybe that suggests that there’s a new way of looking at the creativity that we can all tap into, enjoy, and benefit from.
Bruce Turkel shares his experience leading a global brand consultancy – and as a world-class musician – to help instill more creativity into your organization. He won’t just tell them that they’re creative, Bruce will prove it with a fun and interactive exercise that will have everyone in your audience on their feet, tapping into their creative rockstar potential!
Audience Takeaways:
- Your audience will discover how to remove the intimidation factor from creativity, freeing them up to use this powerful tool daily.
- Your audience will discover their own creativity even though they might think they can’t “draw a straight line” or that they can’t sing because they’re “tone deaf.”
Your audience will look at opportunities in a new and exciting way, understanding how they can tap into their own creativity to solve problems.
Know Thyself
BMW defines itself with a four-word descriptor. Nike, GE and Wal-Mart use three words. Barack Obama and Airbnb use two. 7-Up used one.
Pablo Picasso, Henry Ford, Oscar Wilde, and Andy Warhol baked their definitions directly into their work. Ironically, this current as tomorrow concept can be traced all the way back to the Ancient Greeks, who inscribed “Know Thyself” over the entrance to the Temple of Apollo almost 2,500 years ago.
A clearly defined position is critical to focus entrepreneurial energy, secure investment, motivate and retain employees, and successfully deliver concepts to the market. After all, if you can’t identify your key issue, what exactly are you selling?
Your audience will discover:
- How to define an identity to make their businesses more valuable no matter who they are.
- Why understanding their brand identity is more important than what they sell.
- What they’re doing wrong — without even knowing it — that’s hurting their business and costing them money every single day.
Join business solutions guru Bruce Turkel for an entertaining interactive romp through history, art, music, business, and commerce and uncover the most critical skill businesses owners, entrepreneurs, CEOs, and businesspeople need for success. When your audiences spend time with Bruce, they’ll know exactly what to do to put the power of branding to work for their businesses and their lives. And they’ll thank you for it.
Is That All There Is? How organizations can shift from The Great Resignation to The Great Retention
FORTUNE Magazine says the Great Resignation stunned business owners and employers. Today nearly two-thirds of U.S. workers are looking to change jobs or leave the workforce.
“Researchers have revealed turnover patterns that explain why so many are quitting in droves right now. Employers looking to stop the exodus should pay attention: Much of the onus is on them to give workers better reasons to stay. Research has shown that people tend to quit their jobs after experiencing a turnover shock: a life event that precipitates self-reflection… Shocks can be positive… or negative. Or they can be global catastrophes like COVID-19 that upend every aspect of daily life.”
Real estate professionals call these the Seven Ds—Divorce, Downsizing, Disease, Disability, Disaster, Debt, and Death. Besides the blessings of a larger family or greater income, they are the main reasons people sell their homes and move. They can also be the reasons why people decide to ditch their careers or their lifestyles, especially if you add two more Ds—Dissatisfaction and Disappointment.
Bruce Turkel explored this in his latest book, Is That All There Is‽ Bruce interviewed people who successfully pivoted to understand why, when, and how they changed their lives. His stories will clearly demonstrate how you and your company can move from uncertainty to clarity.
Your audiences will learn:
- Why workers are leaving their jobs in record numbers.
- What employers can do to stop the exodus and retain their people.
- How purpose drives retention in the new world of work.
- Proven ways to move from uncertainty to clarity in your business and your life.
All About Them
Less than 20 years ago the key to selling yourself was to promote how great you were. If you didn’t blow your own horn, who would? Selling yourself was the only way anyone could learn about your company. Back then, “customer service” said everything you needed to know about being successful:
- Your customer would arrive.
- You would provide service.
But today we each carry a magical wafer of silicon and glass that gives us instant access to all the world’s knowledge. This means all your potential clients and customers know everything about you before they do business with you. Today’s customers can buy Anything, from Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere, and at virtually Any Price. And they have unlimited ways of communicating their pleasure — or displeasure — with your business.
Success today – AND TOMORROW – requires that you turn the lens around and focus relentlessly on your customer.
Bruce Turkel’s wildly entertaining presentation includes fascinating examples from Johann Sebastian Bach to The Wizard of Oz, from Andy Warhol’s excesses to the Toyota Prius’ successes, from history lessons to headlines right out of today’s news.
Your audience will discover:
- What future success looks like
- Why they must stop selling function
- The magic behind content and context
- Why it’s All About Them
- The incredible power of CC2CC
Request Availability for Bruce Turkel

$20,001 - $30,000
Keynote fee falls within this range. For exact fee, please contact us.
Bruce is a sought-after speaker on the subjects of branding, creativity, innovation, and leadership. An accomplished passionate presenter, he gladly shares easy-to-follow, proven steps for building brand value with his audiences.
Bruce has an overarching theme for his talks: it’s “all about them.” Bruce instructs your audience members to focus on their customers, not their products or services, helping them open their minds and discover their creativity. Drawing from his 30-plus years of ad agency experience, Bruce helps your audiences understand how to make their brands attractive to their customers, as well as how innovation can differentiate them from their competitors.
Bruce is captivating and insightful on stage. His unique presentations combine engaging wit, creative insights, thought-provoking ideas and smoking hot notes on his harmonica.
Satisfied audiences from Bruce’s talks at MIT, Harvard, CHRIS and TEDx, and attendees at hundreds of corporate and industry events all agree that Bruce’s message, entertainment value, and inspiration stick around long after the session is over. That’s when your participants go back to work and think… differently.
Bruce was recently listed within the World’s Top 30 Brand Professionals for 2021 by Global Gurus.