New York
$15,001 - $20,000
Speaker fee falls within this range. For exact fee, please contact us.
David Goldsmith is President and Co-founder of the Goldsmith Organization (New York and Hong Kong), a consulting firm servicing executive clients worldwide in commerce, nonprofits, governments, militaries, and education; Co-founder of Buzd, LLC (San Francisco), a firm in which he is a patent holder for technological applications and products related to artificial intelligence, cell phone applications, battery technologies, and consumer products; Co-founder of ecosystem.AI (San Francisco), a predictive analytics and visualization company that finds hidden value in market and organizational complexity relation-ships through identified patterns and spatial trends to reveal how business and organizational ecosystems
change over time; Co-founder and Partner with Jay Abraham of Intellectual Capital Investors (Los Angeles), an equity-alliance based exponential growth business stimulator that drives rapid, notable organizational growth and profitability; Co-founder and CEO of TymSync, Inc. (San Diego), a patentedcellphone technology company; Chief Officer of Strategy for N2 (New York), a company specializing in SuperGrid and IOT technology for use in advanced smart city development for the future; Founder of the Project Moon Hut Foundation and Project Leader of the global social movement, Project Moon Hut/The Age of Infinite, a four-year effort with NASA (Silicon Valley) to improve life on Earth through the accelerated development of an earth-and-space based ecosystem; and an adviser and stakeholder in several cutting-edge startups from around the world.
David is the recipient of the Hollywood Producers’ first ever Global Visionary Disruptor Award for his work with the Project Moon Hut Foundation. In addition, Hollywood Producers also awarded David and Lorrie Goldsmith for their book, Paid to THINK: A Leader’s Toolkit for Redefining Your Future, a work for which David has earned comparisons to Peter Drucker, the father of modern-day management. Considered by some to be the “Thought Leaders’ Thought Leader,” he is known for replacing common leadership thinking with bold, proven, and sometimes counter-intuitive approaches to address challenges and opportunities for leaders in their professional, public, and personal roles.
David has received awards and accolades for his entrepreneurial achievements in a range of different industries. During his twelve years of professorate at New York University, he received the university’s Excellence in Teaching Award. He was also named by Meetings Magazine as one of its 26 Hottest Speakers for his ability to deliver transformational and engaging “Consulting from the Stage” programs and spoke for the Wharton School of Business an unprecedented five consecutive years. His content is drawn from the depth and diversity of 30 years of business and organizational experience as a practicing businessperson, consultant, and adviser to a global client base. His teachings produce “I’ve-neverthought-of-it-that-way” perspectives from leaders across multiple platforms, industries, and environments.
Though David travels over 300,000 miles annually to work with CEOs, presidents, and CXOs of organizations such as Maersk, Dole, Infosys, Wipro, Aetna, Accenture, Lufthansa, and more, David does not subscribe to an all-work and no-play lifestyle. Whether he’s furthering his skills as a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, improving as a student pilot, experiencing a new culture with “locals” as a world traveler, designing and building his own furniture, skiing, drawing, painting, and sculpting, spending time with family, or helping new friends and old, those closest to David attest that he embodies the promise on the cover of Paid to THINK to Achieve More, Earn More, and Live More.
THE AGE OF INFINITE: Using Paradigm Shifting and Today's Space Expansion to Transform How You Lead, Work, and Live
As humankind stands at the precipice of its next great age-The Age of Infinite, a time of infinite possibilities and infinite resources through space expansion-the necessity for innovative, forward-thinking leadership is greater than it’s ever been. The Project Moon Hut Foundation, efforts from NASA, and groups and individuals around the world, are already thrusting The Age of Infinite into its early stages, and this program shows decision makers how to adopt, adapt, and apply innovative and truly transformative paradigm shifts from our newest space-Earth based ecosystem to their organizations, careers, and lives for immediate and sustainable outcomes.
Highlights and takeaways include but are not limited to:
- How to rewire oneself to drive new future-focused opportunities.
- How to use Time Line Thinking and Convergence to innovate faster.
- How to rapidly define a path and direction for any initiative.
- How to use Paradigm Shifting to create forced multiplier returns.
- How to leverage big and small data to give rapid insights.
- How to create momentum in groups.
- How to rethink what’s considered “normal.”
David Goldsmith-founder of the Project Moon Hut Foundation, veteran businessperson, global executive consultant, award-winning speaker, and author of Paid to THINK: A Leader’s Toolkit for Redefining Your Future-inspires, engages, and motivates with perspectives, paradigms, and practical takeaways that produce immediate improvements in strategy, innovation, and leadership through this unforgettable program.
Target Audiences: This program can be adapted with heavier emphasis on certain topic areas depending on the audience:
Leadership and management in commerce, nonprofits, government, military and education who want transformation and improvements in innovation, paradigm shifting, and decision making. People interested in space, within the space industry (with advance notice) and externally. General audiences interested in a different twist on innovation and paradigm shifting. Socially aware groups who are interested in paradigm shifting solutions to humanity’s future, sustainability of resources, species’ extinction, etc.
PAID TO THINK™ The 12 Game-Changing Secrets to Great Leadership
(Based on the Internationally Acclaimed Book) Any desired outcome or promising future can become a reality for every leader who learns two things: (1) how to sidestep the common tendency to value busyness over idleness and take action before best options are considered and (2) how to use simple yet powerful “thinking” tools to convert ideas to results. In this program, described as a “hurricane to the brain”, David Goldsmith combines lessons of success from his 30-year business career and consultative work with thousands of decision makers worldwide along with his award-winning New York University teachings to reveal stunning realities and game-changing secrets.
Highlights and takeaways include but are not limited to:
- Increase individual and organization performance through a proven empowering process.
- Expand opportunities using an advanced strategizing tool.
- Accelerate growth and drive long-term success through forecasting.
- Get from where they are to where they want to be using a simple technique to gain more frequent buy-in and cooperation from colleagues and stakeholders.
- Uncover the secrets great leaders know to attract and secure talent, clients, customers, and members.
- Rethink current beliefs that hinder performance and internalize new truths to expand opportunities and optimize outcomes.
This program, David Goldsmith-founder of the Project Moon Hut Foundation, veteran businessperson, global executive consultant, award-winning speaker, and author of Paid to THINK: A Leader’s Toolkit for Redefining Your Future-educates and engages with transformative take-away tools designed to be put to immediate use regardless of a leader’s need: increasing performance individually or organizationally, strategizing, expanding opportunities, accelerating growth, gaining buy in, attracting and securing talent, and so on to Achieve More, Earn More, and Live More.
Leaders who forecast increase performance, outpace competitors, and produce winning, sustainable ad-vantages throughout their organizations. Picture for a moment that a decision maker somehow gains access to a newspaper from the future and learns about challenges and opportunities on the horizon that no one else is expecting. How differently might this person assess potential options so that decisions made today secure a better future for his or her organization, industry, or career? Having a more informed view into the future, magical newspapers aside, is a reality for anyone who has the right tools.
Highlights and takeaways include but are not limited to:
- Use a proven process for forecasting trends and opportunities within and outside their industry (or sector).
- Develop a mindset that identifies trend markers that make predictive solutions a reality.
- Diagnose their own “default perspective” and recalibrate their thinking skillsets to anticipate and decide optimally.
- Orient their thinking to a future-focused perspective that positions them, their leadership groups, and their organizations with strategically superior plans.
- Secure new tools for getting others engaged in regular forecasting activity.
- Maximize potential and increase performance by solving or avoiding altogether challenges and threats that would likely have gone unnoticed without forecasting tools.
- Gain pockets of time and peace of mind through a forward-oriented planning process.
In this program, David Goldsmith-founder of the Project Moon Hut Foundation, veteran businessperson, global executive consultant, award-winning speaker, and author of Paid to THINK: A Leader’s Toolkit for Redefining Your Future-awakens leaders to their own abilities to look into the future much farther and more accurately than they ever thought possible by using proven forecasting tools. During this eye-opening program, audiences experience many “aha” moments as they develop a “predictive mindset” and learn practical and competitively advantageous ways to anticipate, plan, and decide proactively. Attendees not only wonder why more people don’t have forecasting tools at their disposal, a part of them hopes that their competitors never do!
RETHINKING LEADERSHIP "TRUTHS" The 8 Mind-Quaking Realities that Trigger Avalanches of Opportunities
Beliefs about leading are so common and ingrained that we rarely (if ever) step back and assess whether they are actually true or even good for us. Most high-functioning leaders have already learned that many of the popular perspectives related to leading and managing, though common, are nothing more than false assumptions and self-sabotaging beliefs masquerading as “truths” that can hinder decision making and rob leaders of their best options for racking up gains, successes, and wins. In this perspective-changing program, David Goldsmith exposes the imposters and reveals eight surprising realities along with how they can be put to use to make an immediate difference.
Highlights and takeaways include but are not limited to:
- The Power of 3 Letters: How “GPP” will transform individuals, organizations, and everyone they
- touch.
The Surprising Realities of Change: How people actually love change. - The Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing: What hidden opportunities materialize when one understands the gift of “Doing More with Less”.
- The “Mental Economics” of Leadership: Why “execution mentality” leads to diminished returns and needless struggle.
- The Realities of Winning: What leadership preaches is not how most wins happen, and this eye-opening truth reveals where one’s focus should be instead.
In this program, David Goldsmith-founder of the Project Moon Hut Foundation, veteran businessperson, global executive consultant, award-winning speaker, and author of Paid to THINK: A Leader’s Toolkit for Redefining Your Future-shows audience members how look through a completely new lens that replaces their old assumptions with new concepts and mental tools that deliver an abundance of unparalleled opportunities faster than they may have ever experienced throughout their careers. They gain greater clarity and become posed to usher in an avalanche of new opportunities as soon as they return to their work environment and for many years beyond the close of this presentation. Past attendees have said that they were never able to go back to old ways of thinking and that this program drastically transformed how they viewed their roles as leaders and unleashed potential within themselves that they never knew they had.
THE 4 D'S OF INNOVATION: Disrupt, Differentiate, Dominate and Deliver
A survey of leaders conducted by McKinsey & Company revealed that more than 70% of leaders expected innovation to become one of the top three drivers of growth for their organizations in the upcoming three to five years. Yet seven years later, while most leaders want to be innovative and to build innovative organizational cultures, few feel that they actually know how as their organizations still sit on the sidelines, stalling innovatively. On the positive side, innovation is actually a leadership issue, and this program gives leaders what they need to take first steps to replace “vanilla” practices and offerings with stand-out-in-the-crowd “raspberry swirl”.
Highlights and takeaways include but are not limited to:
The means by which to start initiating disruptive ideation.
The secret that innovative leaders use to innovate.
How inspiration is only a small part of the innovation formula, and what leaders should focus on instead.
The use of “triggers of innovation” to foster innovative input.
Tactics to bypass altogether the pitfalls of innovation.
Essential steps for applying innovation everywhere, thus strengthening performance and outcomes related to strategic planning, forecasting, product development, competitive intelligence, and more.
Leaders who have struggled with innovation in the past find this presentation’s content to yield a refreshing departure from their past experiences. David Goldsmith-founder of the Project Moon Hut Foundation, veteran businessperson, global executive consultant, award-winning speaker, and author of Paid to THINK: A Leader’s Toolkit for Redefining Your Future-moves audiences far beyond theory and “should-do” talk by delivering the same practical, actionable tools and techniques that turn his consulting clients around 180°, one in particular achieving 42 innovation projects after a one-hour presentation. Attendees who come to this practical and motivating presentation thinking, “I’m not sure” are likely to be saying, “Yes I can” as their thinking transforms and they gain the tools to begin building their own unstoppable, innovative organizations.
An Introduction to the Next New Frontier of Ecosystems, Networks, Algorithms, Big Data, AI, and Machine Learning
Digital advancements are the new gold, not just for techies but for every leader…that is, if one knows what those advancements are and how to use them. Today’s progressive leaders are using cutting-edge technologies, algorithms, and data to make smarter strategic decisions that are delivering huge returns and having impact on everybody, everywhere, and in every way. By now, whether one is a tech-minded leader or not and regardless of their organization’s size, reach, geographic location, and industry or sector, they need a wakeup call to get up to speed quickly so that these digital possibilities become opportunities rather than challenges. This program is a straightforward introduction as a first step in leveling the playing field.
WHAT EVERY LEADER SHOULD KNOW ABOUT OPPORTUNITIES IN OUR NEW DIGITAL WORLD: An Introduction to the Next New Frontier of Ecosystems, Networks, Algorithms, Big Data, AI, and Machine Learning
Digital advancements are the new gold, not just for techies but for every leader…that is, if one knows what those advancements are and how to use them. Today’s progressive leaders are using cutting-edge technologies, algorithms, and data to make smarter strategic decisions that are delivering huge returns and having impact on everybody, everywhere, and in every way. By now, whether one is a tech-minded leader or not and regardless of their organization’s size, reach, geographic location, and industry or sector, they need a wakeup call to get up to speed quickly so that these digital possibilities become opportunities rather than challenges. This program is a straightforward introduction as a first step in leveling the playing field.
Highlights and takeaways include but are not limited to:
- Technologies that are currently in use and their impact on organizations of all sizes.
- The connection between complex ecosystems, algorithms, AI, and machine learning and setting a foundation to create new opportunities.
- How today’s technologies can deliver data that makes decision making more accurate and its outcomes more sustainable.
- The different ways leaders can use data for various gains such as in new product development, competitive analyses, and more.
In this enlightening and engaging program, David Goldsmith-founder of the Project Moon Hut Foundation, veteran businessperson, global executive consultant, award-winning speaker, and author of Paid to THINK: A Leader’s Toolkit for Redefining Your Future-delivers and eye-opening introduction to current technological opportunities that expand attendees’ thinking to improve decision making that draws high returns, creates rapid results, and keeps organizations competitive in a fast evolving world.
Request Availability for David Goldsmith

New York
$15,001 - $20,000
Speaker fee falls within this range. For exact fee, please contact us.
Read More
THE AGE OF INFINITE: Using Paradigm Shifting and Today's Space Expansion to Transform How You Lead, Work, and Live
PAID TO THINK™ The 12 Game-Changing Secrets to Great Leadership
RETHINKING LEADERSHIP "TRUTHS" The 8 Mind-Quaking Realities that Trigger Avalanches of Opportunities
THE 4 D'S OF INNOVATION: Disrupt, Differentiate, Dominate and Deliver
In 2009, a survey of leaders conducted by McKinsey & Company revealed that more than 70% of leaders expected innovation to become one of the top three drivers of growth for their organizations in the upcoming three to five years. Yet seven years later, while most leaders want to be innovative and to build innovative organizational cultures, few feel that they actually know how as their organizations still sit on the sidelines, stalling innovatively. On the positive side, innovation is actually a leadership issue, and this program gives leaders what they need to take first steps to replace “vanilla” practices and offerings with stand-out-in-the-crowd “raspberry swirl”.
WHAT EVERY LEADER SHOULD KNOW ABOUT OPPORTUNITIES IN OUR NEW DIGITAL WORLD: An Introduction to the Next New Frontier of Ecosystems, Networks, Algorithms, Big Data, AI, and Machine Learning
Today’s progressive leaders are using cutting-edge technologies, algorithms, and data to make smarter strategic decisions that are delivering huge returns and having impact on everybody, everywhere, and in every way. By now, whether one is a tech-minded leader or not and regardless of their organization’s size, reach, geographic location, and industry or sector, they need a wakeup call to get up to speed quickly so that these digital possibilities become opportunities rather than challenges. This program is a straightforward introduction as a first step in leveling the playing field.