$7,501 - $10,000
Keynote fee falls within this range. For exact fee, please contact us.
Request Availability for Jay Goltz
After graduating college, and against the advice of just about everyone, Jay decided to open a custom framing shop on Clybourn Avenue in Chicago, a then abandoned factory district on the edge of Lincoln Park. Why? He had worked in a frame shop in high school and college and believed he could bring a better level of design and service to an old trade. Jay had also grown up in the retail business, learning from an early age the art of how to best serve customers in his father’s dime store on Armitage Avenue.
Within a few years, and much to his surprise, Artists Frame Service grew into the largest custom frame shop in the country – about twenty times the average size. Over the next 42 years, Jay expanded both “vertically and horizontally” adding Jayson Home, Bella Moulding, Chicago Art Source and gallery 1871 – now employing 110 people and occupying almost an entire city block and an 85,000 square foot warehouse.
Jay’s story is unusual in that he’s never had a full-time job or a mentor. He began as an entrepreneur in the age where it was not considered “cool” and went against all the conventional career wisdom of the time. His time in business has brought with it many ups and downs. He learned the hard way by making “every mistake in the book” – though he came to realize there actually was no book. That led him to write The Street Smart Entrepreneur: 133 Tough Lessons I Learned The Hard Way.
Today, in addition to running his businesses, he also considers himself a small business advocate. Jay speaks regularly with media outlets across the country about the complexities businesses face, as well as contributes to the small business community, 21hats.com. Whether it be speaking for a large company or talking one-on-one with an entrepreneur starting out, Jay uses real life insights and candor to help people solve problems. That is, after all, what business is all about.
Doing Business in the New World – From Defense to Offense
Staying ahead requires companies to reevaluate their business and need to leverage new technology.
- Budgeting for new technology and new people
- Increasing sales by strategically redeploying resources
- Recognizing and reacting to changes in your business ecosystem
The Power of Being a Little Bit Better – Execution Over Brilliance
Jay illustrates how being a little better than the competition will have a profound impact over the long haul.
- How to hire and when to un-hire
- Setting standards and control systems
- Training that makes a difference
Using Left Brain Strategies to Succeed in the Right Brain Business World – Misconceptions and Missed Opportunities
A frank discussion on the challenges of running a business in a creative field where you work with people that have more of a creative mindset than a business background.
- It’s not about compromise, it’s about collaboration
- Great passion doesn’t make up for bad math
- Determining the appropriate goals for marketing efforts
Customer Service as a Competitive Weapon - Is the Customer Always Right?
Jay reveals how using conventional training and worn-out clichés will result in mediocre customer service at best.
- Why it makes sense to lose money on some sales
- Turning upset customers into brand evangelists
- When training doesn’t work
Request Availability for Jay Goltz

$7,501 - $10,000
Keynote fee falls within this range. For exact fee, please contact us.
After graduating college, and against the advice of just about everyone, Jay decided to open a custom framing shop on Clybourn Avenue in Chicago, a then abandoned factory district on the edge of Lincoln Park. Why? He had worked in a frame shop in high school and college and believed he could bring a better level of design and service to an old trade. Jay had also grown up in the retail business, learning from an early age the art of how to best serve customers in his father’s dime store on Armitage Avenue.
Within a few years, and much to his surprise, Artists Frame Service grew into the largest custom frame shop in the country – about twenty times the average size. Over the next 42 years, Jay expanded both “vertically and horizontally” adding Jayson Home, Bella Moulding, Chicago Art Source and gallery 1871 – now employing 110 people and occupying almost an entire city block and an 85,000 square foot warehouse.
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Jay’s story is unusual in that he’s never had a full-time job or a mentor. He began as an entrepreneur in the age where it was not considered “cool” and went against all the conventional career wisdom of the time. His time in business has brought with it many ups and downs. He learned the hard way by making “every mistake in the book” – though he came to realize there actually was no book. That led him to write The Street Smart Entrepreneur: 133 Tough Lessons I Learned The Hard Way.
Today, in addition to running his businesses, he also considers himself a small business advocate. Jay speaks regularly with media outlets across the country about the complexities businesses face, as well as contributes to the small business community, 21hats.com. Whether it be speaking for a large company or talking one-on-one with an entrepreneur starting out, Jay uses real life insights and candor to help people solve problems. That is, after all, what business is all about.