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Unconscious Bias – How to Manage What You Can’t See

Unconscious Bias – How to Manage What You Can’t See

In grad school I was one of 5 women in a macroeconomics course along with over 60 men. The professor wrote on my first written assignment she was surprised at my excellent performance. I found it interesting a woman professor would have a bias against another female.

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Fed & Rates: Next Friday is the Big Day

Fed & Rates: Next Friday is the Big Day

Let’s start with the big picture on interest rates. 90 central banks around the world have raised interest rates. This week, Indonesia, Norway, Philippines, Switzerland, Taiwan and the Bank of England all raised rates along with the Federal Reserve.

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Tips for Defeating Negative Self-Talk – Mary Kelly

Tips for Defeating Negative Self-Talk – Mary Kelly

Negative self-talk can be insidious. It gets in your head, courtesy of previous experiences and negative input from people who do not always mean well. If you listen to the negative messages, you discourage yourself. You convince yourself that goals cannot be achieved.

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Extroverts…Listen Up! – Colette Carlson

Extroverts…Listen Up! – Colette Carlson

Have you ever heard of an ambivert? No, it isn’t a West Texas animal or a driverless vehicle. An ambivert (and I confess to being one) is, by definition, “a person whose personality has a balance of extrovert and introvert features.”

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Make Focus Your Superpower – Kevin Brown

Make Focus Your Superpower – Kevin Brown

A young man came up to me after a speech and said, “may I ask you a question? I’m curious – who motivates the motivator?” Then he added this. “I mean, how do you get yourself to focus on what really matters?” Great question.

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Small Business Tech News This Week – Gene Marks

Small Business Tech News This Week – Gene Marks

Amazon announced this past week that it will start making drone deliveries later this year in California. The service will deliver thousands of various items directly to Amazon customers’ backyards who will then provide feedback about the Prime Air service.

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