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Give Your Customers Volunteer Service – Chip Bell

Give Your Customers Volunteer Service – Chip Bell

We have a volunteer plant. It stands tall, beautiful, and mysterious. It is a volunteer-a plant that grew up spontaneously without our doing anything. We refer to it as our wild plant. What if service delivery was like a volunteer plant?

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Are You Fighting a War Already Lost? – John O’Leary

Are You Fighting a War Already Lost? – John O’Leary

When we’ve experienced the sharp disappointment of being let down by others, when is the right time to accept what happened, embrace what is and move forward into what could be? The example of Hiroo Onoda demonstrates the dangers of clutching it for too long. Let me explain.

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We Need to Talk About Tech – Andrew Busch

We Need to Talk About Tech – Andrew Busch

What happens when something goes from infinity to zero? This is what every portfolio manager is trying to understand after the Federal Reserve indicated it would be raising rates in March and beyond. Why does this matter for tech?

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