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AI for Marketers: How Search Will Evolve in the Future

I received an interesting comment the other day, when I picked up a call with a potential client who wanted to book me for a speaking engagement. The client said he found me while searching in ChatGPT. This might be something businesses will need to investigate for the future.

Proven Strategies for Nurse Leaders to Beat Burnout

In the high-pressure environment of healthcare, the relentless pace and emotional intensity can lead to burnout. When the leader of a nursing team experiences burnout, it not only affects their own health and well-being but can also undermine their confidence in their leadership abilities.

Take Out Your Customers’ Trash – Chip Bell

Most customer experiences have a certain amount of garbage. It looks like excess wait time, mind-numbing paperwork, delay, indifference, and missed deadlines. In today’s highly competitive world, customers demand more and more value for their ever-diminishing dollar.

The Transformative Power of In-Person Motivational Speakers

In a world brimming with digital distractions and virtual engagements, the allure of in-person experiences holds an undeniably magnetic appeal. Among these, the presence of a motivational speaker stands out as a beacon of inspiration.