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Did You Find Everything You Were Looking For? – Chip Bell

It is a grocery store clerk mantra I typically hear as my groceries are being scanned and bagged. And, I am tired of it. I want to be surprised-tickled pink by what I found I was not looking for. Don’t give me mundane, functionally accurate, and “good enough.”

The Promise of a New Year – Mary Kelly

People love the new year for the sense of renewal and a fresh start. Think about how to make the most of your time, talents, and resources. What will make the most sense for you, increases your happiness factor, and focus on where you want to be in a year?

Top 5 Economic Risks for 2021 – Andrew Busch

1. Vaccine Hesitancy, 2. Virus Mutation, 3. Cyber War, 4. Protracted Congressional Fighting, 5. Credit Crunch. The combination of 1 & 2 will be tragic. But if accompanied by 3,4 or 5, then the optimism for the economy will shift down significantly.