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My Grandfather’s Last Advice – John O’Leary

My grandfather’s last advice: Empathy doesn’t excuse poor behavior. Rather, it seeks to understand it and strives to redeem it. My grandfather’s last words to me were intended to help my marriage. Heeding them now would help our nation. Let me explain.

Boost Results with Rule 105 – Josh Linkner

In our professional lives, our days consist of delivering value in one form or another. Depending on your craft, your deliverables may take the form of a research report, sales presentation, customer interaction, financial model or legal brief.

The Electoral Rebellion of 2021 – Andrew Busch

The #CapitolRiots of last week will transcend our time and will likely be referred to as the “Electoral Rebellion of 2021.” Think Whiskey Rebellion, where President Washington had to send troops into a state to quell a revolt.