844-337-7325 [email protected]

Fishing, Work, and Life – Marilyn Tam

If I wasn’t standing by the water’s edge with my feet sinking slowly into the cool, wet sand while being misted by the fizzing salt spray, I’d think I was watching a video ad for Hawaii. On the black, glistening boulders jutting out of the churning ocean waves…

Face Phone Fear to Connect & Close

Two weeks ago, I talked with a recent program attendee in the technology field, providing amazing solutions to IT customers. During our exploratory call he said, “I’ve got an issue with some of the team having phone fear. Can you help?” Yes I can!

Make the First Time a Charm – Chip Bell

Your mother advised, “You don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression.” Correct or incorrect, your customers’ first encounters with you and your organization teach them what to expect as well as whether to return.

I Know Just How You Feel – Colette Carlson

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about empathy and how we are relating to one another 2023 style. As many of you may be aware, AI (artificial intelligence) has slowly crept into our world. There are numerous software programs available to all of us.

Tax Credit Could Earn your Small Biz $26,000 per Employee

Is your small business owed $26,000 from the U.S. government for every worker you employ? That’s the pitch you’re probably getting from services all around the country who claim that because of the Employee Retention Tax Credit the money is owed to you.