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5 Strategies to Get Visible and Get Promoted – Mary Kelly
Many talented people struggle with how to position themselves for increased roles and responsibilities. They worry about being viewed as pushy, aggressive, or arrogant. How can you put yourself into a position to be chosen for the next level?

7 Strategies for an Impactful Virtual Meeting – Colette Carlson
Are you guilty of multi-tasking during meetings? Unfortunately, being present during meetings, especially present-day virtual meetings, is so rare, I wish I could bottle and sell it. Here's a few facts you can toss around the tele-conferencing office…

Exponential Change in 2022: Five Industries to Watch – Dan Burrus
In this new year, there are great transformations taking place in many industries. Innovative business opportunities are ripe for the picking, and those with an Anticipatory mindset are sure to benefit from them in some of the most exponential ways.

Boundaries-Bust Out of Service Fatigue – Laurie Guest
Can anyone remember the days when there wasn’t a tether to the office through constant digital connection? While technology has led to many amazing opportunities for most of us, there is a downside that could be handled better: boundaries!

Are You Fighting a War Already Lost? – John O’Leary
When we've experienced the sharp disappointment of being let down by others, when is the right time to accept what happened, embrace what is and move forward into what could be? The example of Hiroo Onoda demonstrates the dangers of clutching it for too long. Let me explain.

Why Google Is Spending $1 Billion On Its Offices-And Other Small Business Tech News This Week
Google announced recently that it plans to spend $1 billion on its central London office space and also anticipates an increase from 6,400 to 10,000 employees. The new office will be designed to accommodate flexible and hybrid working preferences.

We Need to Talk About Tech – Andrew Busch
What happens when something goes from infinity to zero? This is what every portfolio manager is trying to understand after the Federal Reserve indicated it would be raising rates in March and beyond. Why does this matter for tech?

5 Reasons Why the Great Attrition is Great for Your Business – Mary Kelly
You are a great leader and you run a great business. But some of your people have recently quit, and you are wondering if you are as good a leader as you think. You are wondering what could have made them stay.

Intellectual Capital: Making the Intangible Tangible (And Valuable)
As a business leader, do you know what your team is capable of? Do you have a group of critical-thinking individuals, all with specialized tasks that each help the department run in invaluable ways to the organization as a whole?

Secrets to Living Your Dream Life – Marilyn Tam
At the end of the long and exhausting day, you fall into bed bone-tired and weary, feeling that you didn’t accomplish many of the things you had to do, much less the ones you wanted to do. Sigh, is this the life I was born to live?

Refocusing Your Customer-Facing Associates – Chip Bell
We are living in a time of "all about me." The preferred approach to influencing "my way" or "my view" is loud lectures instead of quiet conversations. Rowdy movements are chosen over genuine understanding.

Are You a Thermostat or Thermometer? – Josh Linkner
Your shiny new digital thermometer will ensure that your family room is exactly 69.3 degrees. Or if your five-year-old daughter seems warm, it will only take a couple seconds to know how high her fever is with that handheld device you snagged from the drugstore for just $12.