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How the Colorado Avalanche Make Winning on the Road a Cup Capping Habit

How the Colorado Avalanche Make Winning on the Road a Cup Capping Habit

Logic – and oddsmakers – have always said it is “easier” to win at home, yet in each of the most important moments this post-season, the Avs did it “the hard way,” winning while entire arenas filled with fans jeered their every move.
Avoiding a Customer-Hostile Ending Memory – Chip Bell

Avoiding a Customer-Hostile Ending Memory – Chip Bell

Much is written about understanding a customer’s journey through an organization’s service processes. Organizations train for a friendly customer greeting and effective hosting. They scrutinize associate handoffs and communications.
Small Business Tech News This Week – Gene Marks

Small Business Tech News This Week – Gene Marks

Amazon announced this past week that it will start making drone deliveries later this year in California. The service will deliver thousands of various items directly to Amazon customers’ backyards who will then provide feedback about the Prime Air service.
Travel Tips. Common Travel Challenges Made Easier – Marilyn Tam

Travel Tips. Common Travel Challenges Made Easier – Marilyn Tam

Bundled up in warm parkas, scarves, and hats to fend off the blustery, winter ocean storm, we watched as mother slid into the just filled, sloshing swimming pool aboard the cruise ship. This was the first reliable travel tip I learned — in case of seasickness, swim.
Enjoy Summer by Maximizing Your Time – Mary Kelly

Enjoy Summer by Maximizing Your Time – Mary Kelly

Have more control over your time and own your schedule so that you can enjoy some time off by making sure you stay up to date on your to-do list. Create a daily to-do list to ensure you take the right steps and complete the necessary tasks.
The Incredible Power of Words – Kevin Brown

The Incredible Power of Words – Kevin Brown

Heroes choose their words wisely. Wise words lead to a life of wisdom and positive influence. Words can be used to tear down walls and build bridges. Unfortunately, they can also be used to tear down bridges and build walls.
Correct the Overcorrect – Josh Linkner

Correct the Overcorrect – Josh Linkner

When the misguided leaders at Enron, Tyco and Worldcom committed fraud and marred their shareholders with huge losses, the Securities and Exchange Commission rightfully swooped in to prevent future cons.
Just Love People – John O’Leary

Just Love People – John O’Leary

Years ago, I ran a small construction company. Continuously running material, picking up tools, and dropping lumber, I spent significant time in a truck with Harold Stewart. Working together for almost a decade, Harold certainly taught me much.
The Value of Virtual Applications and Digital Equity – Dan Burrus

The Value of Virtual Applications and Digital Equity – Dan Burrus

Augmented reality has seemingly had its "time and place" in our lives in the past decade. So many business professionals and general consumers have filed it under the label of a luxury item that it is only good for entertainment purposes.
Answer the Question the Right Way – Shep Hyken

Answer the Question the Right Way – Shep Hyken

Sometimes a customer asks a question, and then either doesn’t understand or like the answer. It’s more than just a misunderstanding or a breakdown in communication. Maybe the employee doesn’t want to take the time to answer the question correctly.
Boston Celtics Succeed With Players Who Star In Their Roles

Boston Celtics Succeed With Players Who Star In Their Roles

When the Boston Celtics faced the Milwaukee Bucks in the seventh game of their NBA Eastern Conference series, the hype and the pre-game commercials were focused on Giannis Antetokounmpo versus Jayson Tatum, the stars of their teams.
Ways to Cut Your Company’s Tax Bill – Gene Marks

Ways to Cut Your Company’s Tax Bill – Gene Marks

If you’re running a small business, your taxes aren’t going down in the foreseeable future. If anything, they’ll likely rise. Many of my small-business clients ask me for tax savings advice, and, unfortunately, the options this year are limited.